Monday, 16 November 2015

Should social media be 18+ ?????

In our last lesson we discussed wheter social media sholud be 18+ or not.
We didn´t come to an agreement, but we got many interesting facts and views on social media.

Why should social media be 18+?
Because many children get bullied and that is very depressive for them. Who wants to get bullied?
Young people don´t know the riscs of social media. If social media would be 18+, then there will be almost no bullying any more.

Why not?
Because many teenagers would use social media anyway, even when it would be illegal. They can´t imagine aworld without WhatsApp, twitter and co. Social Media is a part of our life, so why not a part of a children´s life?

So how you can see, it´s difficult to convince an other side. It will be a problem for a long time.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Amanda Todd

Last lesson we watched the video which Amanda had shared on Youtube one month before she had killed herself. Now we have to write about our feelings about this.

I thought how it is possible to do something like that to other persons. Just bully someone, because a photo. That is really deprssingly.