Monday, 16 November 2015

Should social media be 18+ ?????

In our last lesson we discussed wheter social media sholud be 18+ or not.
We didn´t come to an agreement, but we got many interesting facts and views on social media.

Why should social media be 18+?
Because many children get bullied and that is very depressive for them. Who wants to get bullied?
Young people don´t know the riscs of social media. If social media would be 18+, then there will be almost no bullying any more.

Why not?
Because many teenagers would use social media anyway, even when it would be illegal. They can´t imagine aworld without WhatsApp, twitter and co. Social Media is a part of our life, so why not a part of a children´s life?

So how you can see, it´s difficult to convince an other side. It will be a problem for a long time.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Amanda Todd

Last lesson we watched the video which Amanda had shared on Youtube one month before she had killed herself. Now we have to write about our feelings about this.

I thought how it is possible to do something like that to other persons. Just bully someone, because a photo. That is really deprssingly.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

"The Circle"

"The Circle" is a book written by Dave Eggers in 2013. It´s about a company just like Google or facebook. They create very interesting programs which are propably dangerous for private data. 
For example the program called "PastPerfect"

For this program they collect every picture, every newsreel and digitze them so that they have a large archives. 
In this archive can somebody look for a photo of his familiy
or something else, by using the DNA. 

Now I want to work out what would be if "The Circle" really exists:
I think it would be very disscussed. On the one hand you
like it to search easily for information of your ancestors or your far away living sister, but on the other hand the pictures could be seen by everyone. All taken photes are saved in a foreign 
archive, and that´s very strange.

To safe private data is important and should not be neglected, because otherwise nobody determine himself or herself what someone else can see about him/her. 

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

The evolution of communication

The cartoon describes the evolution of communication, 
from the left "first written word" to the right "tweet tweet".
What the cartoon wants to tell us, is that our means of communication first became better, but now they are going to become worse. 

Numerous inventions and improvements make our communication very bad. We are addicted to communicate with everyone, because of the oppurtunity to do it with the new social media like 
WhatsApp, facebook, twitter, tumblr, ...
This fact you can find out with the balloon: "140 characters" mean the different accounts by facebook, WhatsApp and co.

I think I agree and disagree with the cartoonist.
Agreeing, because it is true that you have many accounts for communication and you often use them to talk with friends or your family. 
Disagreeing, because I know nobody who has more than about 10 accounts.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

What´s the blog about?

Welcome to My-Blog-For-English!

I´m Lukas, and from Germany.
For our English lessons we (my class and me) have to set up a new blog about ourselves as a social media user

Mainly I use social medias to communicate with my friends or familiy or to get new information about what´s going on in the world. But also to search about information for a presentation or homework.
Sometimes I watch videos on YouTube too.

I have a Whats App and a Google+ account,
but I think this is enough, because you don´t need anything.